VAMP Farming Guide - How to Join the Boys for Harvest

Ethtari Games
2 min readSep 28, 2020


Fellow Vlads, it’s that time of year. Farming is open and TVL has been going up! We present to you a farming guide to get started on building an army of VAMPS for the coming war…

This guide will outline the steps to join Sanguine Pool. If you’d like to join the other Pools (WETH, WBTC, UNI, USDT), then simply click on the tombstones and complete your transaction.


Navigate to the following URL on Uniswap:

  1. Navigate to , is it here where you can add VAMP liquidity. Click “Select Token” and paste the following address into the bubble: 0xb2c822a1b923e06dbd193d2cfc7ad15388ea09dd

2. Once you have selected the VAMP Pool, you will have to add both VAMP and ETH to get Liquidity Tokens. Equal value of both VAMP and ETH must be added (the $ value in VAMP must match the $ value in ETH).

3. Now that you have your LP tokens (Liquidity Provider), head on over to our website at: . Select the SANGUINE POOL grave.

4. Once you’re on the Sanguine Pool page, Click the “+” button on the right side grave. This will open up a box where you can add your VAMP Liquidity Tokens to the pool.

5. Make sure you input a ROUND NUMBER with no decimals (else you will get a large gas fee). You will be asked to approve the transaction first, and then a second transaction you’ll sign to add your VAMP Liquidity Tokens to the Pool! Congrats, you’re a Farmer now ;)

