VAMP REBASE, NFT Pack Pricing + The Big Picture!

Ethtari Games
Nov 4, 2020
Realm of the Dead will be coming to a blockchain near you.


We are happy to announce that VAMP rebase is being activated November 4th at 9:00pm UTC! It will take (12) hours from that time before the first rebase is completed. The rebase itself will be at half strength (compared to values in the whitepaper) until the team launch both NFT cards and game. The rebase will occur every day at 9:00pm UTC and 9:00am UTC.

VAMP rebase will be half strength until NFT cards & game.


The community spoke and we listened. Only VAMP and WOLF token will be accepted for booster packs. Not only that — but when we receive payments for the packs, we’re going to burn the tokens. That’s right, we are going to burn all tokens that we receive. The booster pack price will be pegged to $10 in VAMP or WOLF, and booster boxes will sell at a discount while containing (36) total packs each.

NFT packs and boxes will be sold for VAMP & WOLF token.


It’s been a tough week for altcoins across the board. We’d like to remind the investors that you’re not just holding VAMP — you’re holding vMANA and WOLF too. There will come a time soon when booster packs and boxes are ready to launch, and people will need VAMP and WOLF to participate! Not just to buy cards, but to play the actual game too. Don’t forget, that the game is all about adjusting the rebase for both tokens. That’s all for today Summoners!

Pictured: VAMP investor vs. this weeks market conditions.

